15 Tweetable Truths About the Bible
What we believe about the Bible is absolutely crucial. Whether we’ve never read it or just read it occasionally, each of us must make up our own mind and come to the right decision regarding this amazing and uncommon book.
The Bible is “God’s Story” and is no ordinary book! It is the unfolding revelation of almighty God. From beginning to end, the Lord supernaturally demonstrates His great love and concern for His people. He gives us remarkable promises and has the absolute power to fulfill them. Real help for every difficulty in life is found inside the pages of Scripture. When problems arise, we have a variety of places to turn for help – but our first and foremost choice should always be the Bible.
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
How much do you value God’s Word? How much has the Bible impacted and transformed your life? From my preaching notes of a recent message, here are 15 Tweetable Truths that will inform your mind and inspire your heart – which of these most speak to you?
1: The Bible is God’s book. It reveals the one true and living God. The Scriptures give us a clear and accurate understanding of WHO God is – His nature, attributes, and power – so we can really know Him.
2: The Bible is an infallible book. God cannot err. The Bible is God’s Word, therefore, the Bible is without error. God is the source of all truth and His Word is truth (John 17:17), because the Lord inspired the authors the Bible has no errors. This is the bedrock of our faith.
“There is a common assumption that the Bible is full of errors and contradictions, and that its often-unusual people and events render it useless for today. These ideas are fueled by the teachings of scholarly critics, who seem to delight in raising questions about the Bible’s truthfulness and integrity. But the critics of the Bible are wrong!”
– R.C. Sproul
3: The Bible is a trustworthy book. Based on the stellar track record of the fulfilled prophecies of Scripture, its historical precision, archaeological discoveries, scientific accuracy and unique indestructibility – the Bible easily surpasses all expectations for trustworthiness.
4: The Bible is a timeless book. The life-changing truths of God’s Word are never outdated and are still relevant and applicable for any situation or the troubles of life we might face.
5: The Bible is a theological book. The word “theology” means the study of God, and every Christian doctrine – whether it’s about God, angels, sin, salvation, heaven or hell – is drawn from the Bible. Get established in sound doctrine by digging into God’s Word often.
6: The Bible is a Spirit anointed book. The Holy Spirit is the divine author of all Scripture, and He is the One who reveals, illuminates and explains its life-transforming message to us. The Holy Spirit is our great teacher and revealer of truth.
7: The Bible is a love book. It tells the story of God’s extravagant love for us and His wonderful love plan of salvation (Romans 5:6-8), to bring us eternal life through His Son (John 3:16).
8: The Bible is a promise book. Every amazing promise of God declared in His Word is backed up by His awesome ability and power to fulfill it. God’s provision is in His promises. God cannot lie and He cannot fail.
9: The Bible is an answer book. It is a reliable source and trustworthy guide adequate for every need that arises. We can confidently depend on it for clear direction in every circumstance of life.
10: The Bible is a salvation book. It tells us why Jesus came to earth, died on the cross and rose again to rescue us from the slavery of sin by providing forgiveness, and the way back to God (1 Peter 3:18).
11: The Bible is a warning book. It warns us of the consequences of sin and the results of making sinful choices. It warns us of the three greatest enemies we all face: the world, the flesh, and the devil.
“The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.”
– Dwight L. Moody
12: The Bible is an encouraging book. It is an ever-flowing stream of encouragement. For every situation we face, there is always a passage of Scripture that offers help, hope and strength.
13: The Bible is a wisdom book. The practical insights in Proverbs and Psalms, along with many other key chapters, teach us how to live godly and successful lives.
14: The Bible is a gospel book. The Scriptures expose man’s sinfulness, hopeless condition and his need to be saved (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23). The gospel “good news” is that even though we deserve eternal damnation in hell, God’s gift of salvation on the basis of Christ alone, grants us eternal life. The Bible will help anyone find forgiveness and real freedom in Christ.
15: The Bible is a victory book. It teaches us how to respond to temptation, trials, tests, and spiritual warfare and how to live the overcoming life in Christ. “It is Written” is the Christians watchword as the number one key to facing fear, attacking anxiety and defeating depression.
Hebrews 4:12 The Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
What we believe about the Bible really matters! God reveals Himself through His Word. When He speaks, He teaches us what He is like, how He acts, and how He desires us to respond. As a whole, the Bible is about God and His plan for man.
Matthew 4:4 (ESV) Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
- What is the Bible good for? The Bible has a four-fold purpose:
- To reveal and lead us to know the One True God.
- To clearly show us the way of salvation.
- To instruct us how to grow spiritually and live a godly life.
- To equip us to serve the Lord effectively.
Dive deeper into Scripture. God has given us His Word as a user manual: it’s the “Believer’s Divine Handbook” for life, and He wants you to access all He has in store for you. This is why it’s so important to start your day right by reading your Bible in a systematic way! Don’t make the lame excuse of being too busy or not having enough time… If you have time for breakfast, you have time for the Bible.
Another powerful key to growing in your knowledge of the Word: Find a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching, Bible-centered, Bible-obedient church. Get plugged in and serve the Lord there.
Be intentional about making God’s Word a priority in your life. Read it carefully. Read it prayerfully. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand His Word. Ask Him to use His Word to teach you and to give you wisdom, guidance and direction. Remember: the Bible was never meant to merely inform us; the Bible was meant to transform us.